7 Signs Your Employees Are Financially Unhealthy

Financially ill employee cannot make ends meet from one paycheck to the next.

If you’re like 68% of benefits leaders recently surveyed by Mercer, you plan to support employees’ financial wellbeing in 2025. But to see a positive impact on employees’ financial lives and organizational ROI from the benefit, it’s critical that you first understand the financial challenges and barriers they need help overcoming. More than 70% of […]

Emergency Money: Do Your Benefits Help Your Employees?

Frontline employee faces a money emergency when his car engine starts smoking

Financial shocks impact 60% of Americans each year and more than half struggle to make ends meet six months after the event. For financially vulnerable frontline employees challenged by low credit scores, costly debt, and no savings, just one money emergency can start a downward financial spiral that lasts years.  Without access to real solutions […]

Putting Earned Wage Access in its Place

Employee monitoring payday on calendar

This article was written by Tom Spann, Brightside CEO and co-founder, and originally published in HR Daily Advisor on June 6, 2024. In December 2023, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) announced plans to outline how consumer lending laws interact with earned wage access (EWA) programs. These programs have grown in popularity as a solution […]

Beyond Financial Wellness: Financial Care for Frontline Workers

If you’re using financial wellness benefits to support your frontline workers, are you seeing any improvements in their financial situations? Most employers don’t – but it’s not their fault. These benefits aren’t designed to address this financially vulnerable group’s financial struggles, let alone improve their financial health. Brightside CEO and Co-founder Tom Spann and Amazon […]

How Brightside Helps Employees Find Money

Dollar sign image pointing in an up arrow

More than 70% of employees now live paycheck to paycheck, and 49% say high monthly bills are the biggest reason for their financial strain. As part of our mission to improve the financial health of working families, we provide employees with personalized support and real solutions to triage urgent financial needs, address root causes of […]

How Amazon Supports Frontline Employees’ Financial Health

Frontline worker struggling with car repairs needed to get to work

When Amazon’s team asked employees about their perceived value of a range of different potential benefits, it learned that its frontline employees wanted financial benefits that could help with basic financial needs such as groceries, medications, and electrical bills. “Those financial benefits just kept coming to the top of our employee want list,” said Justin Roberts, Amazon’s […]

Want to Support Employee Mental Health? Address Their Top Source of Stress

Female warehouse employee experiencing mental health issues due to her financial stress

Employers invest billions of dollars on behavioral tools meant to support employee mental health, but behavioral health needs still drive 41% of all healthcare spend. Why? Finances – employees’ biggest source of stress – aren’t being addressed. Frontline employees, who are more financially vulnerable than the broader workforce, suffer even more intensely. They have day-to […]

How Brightside Provides Hope and Financial Help

Young frontline employee feeling hopeful about her financial future with Brightside Financial Care

Brightside provides personalized financial support and solutions for all employees. Yet, because frontline workers comprise 70% of America’s workforce – and just 13% are financially healthy – our unique Financial Care model is particularly critical for frontline employees’ complex and nuanced needs, which other employee financial benefits aren’t built to serve.  Keep reading to learn […]

5 Facts Employers Should Know About Frontline Employees

Frontline workers meet with their supervisor in a distribution center

1. Frontline workers are struggling financially Financial Health Network’s data indicates that 30% of Americans overall are considered financially healthy based on eight different financial health measures; the figure dips to 13% when looking specifically at frontline employees. While 25% of frontline workers are considered financially vulnerable, that’s true of just 17% of the broader […]