How Employers Can Help Avert Unintended Dangers of Student Loan Matching Programs

Key takeaways Secure 2.0 legislation allows employers to offer retirement plan matching dollars based on student loan payments. The law creates potential dangers that employees will lose money and have less resources to weather financial shocks by diverting retirement and emergency savings to student loan payments. The law does nothing to help support employee loan […]

These 4 Trends Will Define the Future of Employee Benefits

The four trends that will define the future of employee benefits

Note: This post originally published in Fast Company on January 4, 2023.  As record inflation continues, evictions pile up, healthcare costs continue to rise, layoffs hit the tech and other industries hard, and the pause on student loan repayment is about to expire, many Americans are struggling financially. As many as seven in 10 may […]

Secure 2.0: Here’s How Employers Can Choose the Best Workplace Savings Approach for Employees

Female truck driver enjoying financial health with support of a workplace savings account

Note: A version of this post originally published in BenefitsPro on January 19, 2023. It is reprinted with permission from BenefitsPro. Key takeaways The Secure 2.0 retirement law introduces a new workplace emergency saving option to an already confusing landscape of approaches, from savings coaching to workplace savings accounts. Workplace savings programs need real solutions to […]

The Critical Role of Sleep and Financial Stress in Workplace Safety

Stress and insufficient sleep are major causes of unsafe workplace behaviors, accidents, and injuries. A lack of sleep reduces an employee’s ability to focus, think ahead, problem solve effectively and increases reaction time. How does financial stress lead to sleep deprivation and workplace outcomes? It turns out that money is the root cause of stress […]

How employers can keep employees safe from predatory financial practices

Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, 30% of Americans reported that they had more debt than was manageable. The economic impact of COVID-19 has led Americans to seek credit at increasing rates, with 43% of U.S. Adults reporting that they, or someone in their household has lost a job or taken a pay cut due to […]

Introducing Financial Care

The year 2019 was another in a string of good years for the American economy, with low unemployment and increasing incomes across most income brackets for the third straight year. Yet looking at the data from that year, only 29% of families were financially healthy, up from 27% in 2018. And unfortunately for most families […]